Initial Meeting

This is a ‘no-strings-attached’ first get-together to talk through your brief and vision, discuss the design and build process and outline our services.

The meeting can take place at our office, in your home or at the site. It will involve:

  • you telling us what your hopes and aspirations are for the project

  • us talking through our general design and project approach.

We can provide some initial feasibility information about current approximate building costs and site constraints We can also have an initial discussion about your project budget, but this will be covered in more detail in the pre-design stage.

Following this meeting, we will send you an architects’ services proposal specific to your project, which will outline our understanding of the brief, scope of services and how fees and costs will be charged.

Once you have confirmed you wish to go ahead with the project, we will send you a standard “NZIA Agreement for Architectural Services Contract”.

Initial Meeting